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Deisel engine conditioner Throttle body, valve, combustion chamber cleaner for DIESEL engine. To Aid in the removal and prevention of carbon deposits and reduce smoke output.
Double Ended Drill Bits  1/8" - work shop quality (Pack 10)
Double Ended Drill Bits 3/16" work shop quality (Pack 10)
Drill Bits Set imperial 13 piece 1/16"-1/4"
Deisel engine conditioner Throttle body, valve, combustion chamber cleaner for DIESEL engine. To Aid in the removal and prevention of carbon deposits and reduce smoke output.
Double Ended Drill Bits 1/8" - work shop quality (Pack 10)
Double Ended Drill Bits 3/16" work shop quality (Pack 10)
Drill Bits Set imperial 13 piece 1/16"-1/4"
SKU: 6601JC-130
SKU: B4354
SKU: B4356
SKU: B4360
including GST
including GST
including GST
including GST
Drill Bits Set metric 13 piece 1mm - 6.5mm
Drill Bits Set metric 13 piece 1mm - 6.5mm
SKU: B4358
including GST